
Untangling navigation for early years practitioners

Untangling navigation for early years practitioners

Untangling navigation for early years practitioners

Who is Teachermate?

The company

The company

Teachermate was a small start-up creating a one-stop-shop for record-keeping with early-years practitioners. Their users include clients from nursery chains to independent ad-hoc childminders who all need to ensure they are meeting the curriculum requirements.

I led a team of three recently graduated UX designers to begin the double-diamond process based on our brief with the thinking that "knowledge is power". We unfortunately never got to see this project through as the company closed, but we still had learnings found some great insights.

Teachermate was a small start-up creating a one-stop-shop for record-keeping for early-years practitioners. Their users included clients from nursery chains to independent ad-hoc childminders who all needed to ensure they are meeting the curriculum requirements.

I led a team of three recently graduated UX designers to begin the double-diamond process based on our brief with the thinking that "knowledge is power". We unfortunately never got to see this project through as the company closed, but we still had learnings found some great insights.

Teachermate was a small start-up creating a one-stop-shop for record-keeping for early-years practitioners. Their users included clients from nursery chains to independent ad-hoc childminders who all needed to ensure they are meeting the curriculum requirements.

I led a team of three recently graduated UX designers to begin the double-diamond process based on our brief with the thinking that "knowledge is power". We unfortunately never got to see this project through as the company closed, but we still had learnings found some great insights.

The brief

The brief

Simplify the user flow and improve access to features.

Teachermate continuously added new features to meet the demands of it’s users but was become clunky and confused. We needed to refine this whilst allowing new functionality.

Simplify the user flow and improve access to features.

Teachermate continuously added new features to meet the demands of it’s users but was become clunky and confused. We needed to refine this whilst allowing new functionality.

Simplify the user flow and improve access to features.

Teachermate continuously added new features to meet the demands of it’s users but was become clunky and confused. We needed to refine this whilst allowing new functionality.

The users & their issues

The users & their issues

From usability tests, user interviews and surveys we found the users of Teachermate were:

  • confused about where to find things

  • didn't realise some features were desktop only

  • key elements such as tracking not on the appropriate devices

  • although the app is built for speed and working offline - there are areas of improvement to further save the users time and effort.

But we also discovered some interesting insights about their day-to-day and how software impacts it.

From usability tests, user interviews and surveys we found the users of Teachermate were:

  • confused about where to find things

  • didn't realise some features were desktop only

  • key elements such as tracking not on the appropriate devices

  • although the app is built for speed and working offline - there are areas of improvement to further save the users time and effort.

But we also discovered some interesting insights about their day-to-day and how software impacts it.

From usability tests, user interviews and surveys we found the users of Teachermate were:

  • confused about where to find things

  • didn't realise some features were desktop only

  • key elements such as tracking not on the appropriate devices,

  • although the app is built for speed and working offline - there are areas of improvement to further save the users time and effort.

But we also discovered some interesting insights about their day-to-day and how software impacts it.

User requirements varied based on their tech confidence.

Tech-savvy users, such as nannies and smaller institutions, prefer working on the app and became super users, while those with older user bases and larger institutions rely on only a few features and maintain traditional practices. The difference stems from their confidence in app usage and their preference for face-to-face interactions with parents.

They are short on time.

The chance to capture observations is short so they need to act quickly, but also we need to reduce the duplication in their workload where they often documented on paper and then uploaded to the software later.

All in one place.

Teachermate needed to consolidate all pupil records in one place, eliminating the current fragmentation across physical paper records and various software tools. Additionally, the new requirements arising from Covid-19, such as the need to share documents and children's work with parents to facilitate their involvement in the child's development aligned with the curriculum.

It needs to be accurate.

As documentation gets shared with parents and the Department of Education - it needs to be super clear and simple for practitioners to share the correct information about each child with the right relatives - doing this wrong could result in cases of data being mishandled and fines for breaching GDPR.

User requirements varied based on their tech confidence. Tech-savvy users, such as nannies and smaller institutions, prefer working on the app and became super users, while those with older user bases and larger institutions rely on only a few features and maintain traditional practices. The difference stems from their confidence in app usage and their preference for face-to-face interactions with parents.

They are short on time. The chance to capture observations is short so they need to act quickly, but also we need to reduce the duplication in their workload where they often documented on paper and then uploaded to the software later.

All in one place. Teachermate needed to consolidate all pupil records in one place, eliminating the current fragmentation across physical paper records and various software tools. Additionally, the new requirements arising from Covid-19, such as the need to share documents and children's work with parents to facilitate their involvement in the child's development aligned with the curriculum.

It needs to be accurate. As documentation gets shared with parents and the Department of Education - it needs to be super clear and simple for practitioners to share the correct information about each child with the right relatives - doing this wrong could result in cases of data being mishandled and fines for breaching GDPR.

User requirements varied based on their tech confidence.

Tech-savvy users, such as nannies and smaller institutions, prefer working on mobile and became super users, while those with older user bases and larger institutions rely on only a few features and maintain traditional practices.

The difference stems from their confidence in mobile usage and their preference for face-to-face interactions with parents.

They are short on time.

The chance to capture observations is short so they need to act quickly, but also we need to reduce the duplication in their workload where they often documented on paper and then uploaded to the software later.

All in one place.

Teachermate needs to consolidate all pupil records in one place, eliminating the current fragmentation across physical paper records and various software tools.

Additionally, the new requirements arising from Covid-19, such as the need to share documents and children's work with parents digitally to facilitate their involvement in the child's development aligned with the curriculum.

It needs to be accurate.

As documentation gets shared with parents and the Department of Education - it needs to be super clear and simple for practitioners to share the correct information about each child with the right relatives - doing this wrong could result in cases of data being mishandled and fines for breaching GDPR.



Consolidated menu

Consolidated menu

In our tests we found that the features were split across being icons and being accessed via ‘Settings’. This meant it was hard for users to know where to go for each area, we also had repeated icons for different areas and related features were not grouped.

In our redesign, we streamlined icons to four essential ones: Home, Home book, Chat, and Children. By consolidating input-dependent features into 'Home', we made all functionalities easily accessible from one location, avoiding fragmentation between Icons and Settings.

This consolidation allows for future additions like shared documents, Attendance, and Daily Diary, maintaining a centralised and organised space.

The revamped design clarifies Settings, focusing on managing user accounts and related settings, instead of being overloaded with specific features.

In our tests we found that the features were split across being icons and being accessed via ‘Settings’. This meant it was hard for users to know where to go for each area, we also had repeated icons for different areas and related features were not grouped.

In our redesign, we streamlined icons to four essential ones: Home, Home book, Chat, and Children. By consolidating input-dependent features into 'Home', we made all functionalities easily accessible from one location, avoiding fragmentation between Icons and Settings.

This consolidation allows for future additions like shared documents, Attendance, and Daily Diary, maintaining a centralised and organised space.

The revamped design clarifies Settings, focusing on managing user accounts and related settings, instead of being overloaded with specific features.

In our tests we found that the features were split across being icons and being accessed via ‘Settings’. This meant it was hard for users to know where to go for each area, we also had repeated icons for different areas and related features were not grouped.

In our redesign, we streamlined icons to four essential ones: Home, Home book, Chat, and Children. By consolidating input-dependent features into 'Home', we made all functionalities easily accessible from one location, avoiding fragmentation between Icons and Settings.

This consolidation allows for future additions like shared documents, Attendance, and Daily Diary, maintaining a centralised and organised space.

The revamped design clarifies Settings, focusing on managing user accounts and related settings, instead of being overloaded with specific features.

Saving time

Saving time

Consolidating the menu allows Teachermate to add time-saving data consolidation features while creating space for tracking on the device, reducing platform and content switching for reviewing Observations.

We improved switching and filtering by grouping individual children and allowing quick switches within that view, along with a cleaner and clearer filtering system.

To address a major complaint about Teachermate, we explored a solution of allowing one observation with multiple criteria for each child, reducing duplication of workload. Low-fidelity prototypes showed promise with different layers of assessments, although further testing is needed for capturing assessments as a whole. Backend development requirements make this a low-priority for the brand compared to launching new features and frameworks.

Consolidating the menu allows Teachermate to add time-saving data consolidation features while creating space for tracking on the device, reducing platform and content switching for reviewing Observations.

We improved switching and filtering by grouping individual children and allowing quick switches within that view, along with a cleaner and clearer filtering system.

To address a major complaint about Teachermate, we explored a solution of allowing one observation with multiple criteria for each child, reducing duplication of workload. Low-fidelity prototypes showed promise with different layers of assessments, although further testing is needed for capturing assessments as a whole. Backend development requirements make this a low-priority for the brand compared to launching new features and frameworks.

Consolidating the menu allows Teachermate to add time-saving data consolidation features while creating space for tracking on the device, reducing platform and content switching for reviewing Observations.

We improved switching and filtering by grouping individual children and allowing quick switches within that view, along with a cleaner and clearer filtering system.

To address a major complaint about Teachermate, we explored a solution of allowing one observation with multiple criteria for each child, reducing duplication of workload. Low-fidelity prototypes showed promise with different layers of assessments, although further testing is needed for capturing assessments as a whole. Backend development requirements make this a low-priority for the brand compared to launching new features and frameworks.

Other opportunities

Other opportunities

Reducing churn

Reducing churn

Turned churn into a 20x boost in paying customers

Turned churn into a 20x boost in paying customers

To increase conversion from sign-ups to paid subscriptions, we focused on enhancing user education during the sign-up flow and providing clear guidance upon app launch, including prompts to add the first child and promoting gestures for menu navigation.

To foster a sense of ownership, we incorporated branding elements into the sign-up process, such as requiring users to add their Nursery Names, address, and staff information, along with the option to upload a logo and invite staff members.

We advised Teachermate to implement blocking screens on all devices at the end of the free trial, aiming to increase engagement and encourage childminders and nurseries to become paying customers. This strategy resulted in a 20x boost in paid customers.

To increase conversion from sign-ups to paid subscriptions, we focused on enhancing user education during the sign-up flow and providing clear guidance upon app launch, including prompts to add the first child and promoting gestures for menu navigation.

To foster a sense of ownership, we incorporated branding elements into the sign-up process, such as requiring users to add their Nursery Names, address, and staff information, along with the option to upload a logo and invite staff members.

We advised Teachermate to implement blocking screens on all devices at the end of the free trial, aiming to increase engagement and encourage childminders and nurseries to become paying customers. This strategy resulted in a 20x boost in paid customers.

To increase conversion from sign-ups to paid subscriptions, we focused on enhancing user education during the sign-up flow and providing clear guidance upon app launch, including prompts to add the first child and promoting gestures for menu navigation.

To foster a sense of ownership, we incorporated branding elements into the sign-up process, such as requiring users to add their Nursery Names, address, and staff information, along with the option to upload a logo and invite staff members.

We advised Teachermate to implement blocking screens on all devices at the end of the free trial, aiming to increase engagement and encourage childminders and nurseries to become paying customers. This strategy resulted in a 20x boost in paid customers.

Accuracy & GDPR

Accuracy & GDPR

Regarding these challenging issues, one suggestion was to incorporate default sharing settings into the onboarding flow. This would enable users to automatically share observations with relatives or their company, or require them to choose this option each time.

Another also untested concept involved allowing users to "complete" or partially complete observations, generating a list that can be confirmed and shared later, such as at the end of the day. This gives managers an opportunity to review captured content before sharing.

To enhance accuracy, we focused on improving the observation capture workflow and providing users with clearer visibility of assessments. We extensively refined this workflow through numerous usability tests involving both users and non-users of the Teachermate system.

Regarding these challenging issues, one suggestion was to incorporate default sharing settings into the onboarding flow. This would enable users to automatically share observations with relatives or their company, or require them to choose this option each time.

Another also untested concept involved allowing users to "complete" or partially complete observations, generating a list that can be confirmed and shared later, such as at the end of the day. This gives managers an opportunity to review captured content before sharing.

To enhance accuracy, we focused on improving the observation capture workflow and providing users with clearer visibility of assessments. We extensively refined this workflow through numerous usability tests involving both users and non-users of the Teachermate system.

Regarding these challenging issues, one suggestion was to incorporate default sharing settings into the onboarding flow. This would enable users to automatically share observations with relatives or their company, or require them to choose this option each time.

Another also untested concept involved allowing users to "complete" or partially complete observations, generating a list that can be confirmed and shared later, such as at the end of the day. This gives managers an opportunity to review captured content before sharing.

To enhance accuracy, we focused on improving the observation capture workflow and providing users with clearer visibility of assessments. We extensively refined this workflow through numerous usability tests involving both users and non-users of the Teachermate system.

What happened next?

What happened next?

Sadly, some of this work was left unfinished as we got full-time jobs after graduating. However, we were really happy at the time with some of the positive outcomes that had been achieved by Teachermate from out discovery.

Sadly, Teachermate simply could not compete with legacy software that was ingrained in so many education institutions and so closed down in 2022.

Sadly, some of this work was left unfinished as we got full-time jobs after graduating. However, we were really happy at the time with some of the positive outcomes that had been achieved by Teachermate from out discovery.

Sadly, Teachermate simply could not compete with legacy software that was ingrained in so many education institutions and so closed down in 2022.

Sadly, some of this work was left unfinished as we got full-time jobs after graduating. However, we were really happy at the time with some of the positive outcomes that had been achieved by Teachermate from out discovery.

Sadly, Teachermate simply could not compete with legacy software that was ingrained in so many education institutions and so closed down in 2022.

Work experience

My full work experience can be found on my LinkedIn profile or you can download my CV as a PDF here.